About Simons Somatics
and Massage

Hi, I'm Matt

Here's a Little About Myself

I’ve always had a passion for learning and decoding the mysteries of how our body, mind, and soul interact with the world around us. My journey into the healing arts began in 2010, and has led me on a path of exploration and training in several holistic healing modalities, including:

  • Two hundred hours of yoga teacher training
  • Three levels of Reiki attunement
  • Graduation from the 1,200 hour program at Healing Mountain Massage as a Holistic Health Practitioner and Licensed Massage Therapist

My goal and passion is to provide a gentle and easy avenue to working with both mind and body for the wellness and healing of my clients.

The Mission of Simons Somatics

Simons Somatics is dedicated to helping you feel better, by helping you feel better.

Through the simple act of feeling our bodies, we gain insight into our state of being. These insights have a powerful effect on our lives. As we navigate this world, we make continuous demands upon our bodies, but rarely get the chance to stop and investigate how it is affecting us.

The mission of this practice is to facilitate that moment of sensing, that pause in our lives to check in with our tissue. I will always shy away from the notion that our bodies have something wrong with them that needs to be fixed, and instead encourage gentle curiosity around how we can create positive change.

My goals are not to beat your tissue into submission or to obliterate knots for the sake of posture, but to find those moments in our bodies where we can create space for the aches and pains that ail us. Though we can seek out the root causes of pain and dysfunction and attack them for their crimes against us, I often propose that we can instead thank them for all their efforts, misguided though they may be, and invite them to take a break. After all, our bodies are only doing what we ask of them.

My goal is to be a translator, the mediator and even matchmaker between you and your tissues.

Be Gentle With Yourself

Show your body you care by booking an appointment today